
Hi everyone !
Although I haven't really started to advertise for its release, my second LP is on the way...
Apart from that ? Well, nothing to sale but I might have something to share if you are interested in brilliant young artists (young ? brilliant ? Who's that ?) or are you ?
I'm planning some day to conquer the internet and steal the show, but till that day comes, I'll just be happy to share a few demos with whoever may be interested in listening to them.
Happy dowloads ! Take care... and leave the rest to me !
27/09/2022 : To celebrate its 23th anniversary, "Aka" has been remastered and re-released on Spotify, Youtube Music, Apple Music / iTunes and Deezer. I hope you'll enjoy it !
Le Dièze Fantasique
11/03/2013 : My long-time musical partner and friend Aurélie has released her first 'solo' album ! Check it out there !
You take my breath away...
08/03/2009 : Well, this time I'd like to share a prerelease of my new cover. It's a classic Queen song called You take my breath away. Although far from being finished, I still hope you'll like it as much as I like the original.
Sabby is back in style !
26/08/2008 : A tune 'Sabby' had in mind for quite some time, we finally recorded it over 2 studio sessions... Here is 'I'm the east, you're the west'. Also find this rocky little number in the teamwork section. Enjoy !